Welcome to Cub Scout Pack 951 and the adventures that await you!
As a Cub Scout, you join a long tradition of boys and young men that began in 1910 when Sir Baden Powell first founded the Boy Scouts. You are part of a community that includes Neil Armstrong (first human on the moon), John Beck (Miami Dolphins quarterback), Michael Bloomberg (former mayor of New York City), William DeVries (the surgeon who performed first successful heart transplant), Charles McGee (Tuskegee Airman), Frederick Reines (Physics Nobel Laureate), and Steven Spielberg (film director, producer, and screenwriter).
On your Cub Scout journey, you will not only prepare to become a Scout but have a lot of fun along the way! We travel, we hike, we camp, we explore, and we learn about ourselves and our community. We do this while following the principles and traditions of the Cub Scout oath and values.
Through self-respect and respect for others, you are on a life-long journey to becoming brave, proud, reverent citizens of your country and your world.
We are committed to a diverse, inclusive, and safe Cub Scouting environment. We are dedicated to the principles of Scouting and to your growth and success as a Cub Scout. Please reach out to either of us at any time for anything that we can do for you or your family on this journey.